Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fashionably Depressed

Once upon a time there was this girl.

This girl is me or was me. I'm a grown up now, or at least I'm trying to be.
My life was never average.
I've always been different because I never wore the same clothes everyone else did and if I did, I tried to style them in a way that you couldn’t tell it was the same garment.
Popularity was never one of my biggest assets because I was "weird"
Thank God Glasses are in right now, and I can wear them proudly instead of torturing my eyes with contact lenses like I used to.

My taste in music has always been rock and roll oriented. That I have my father to thank for, all those nights with the Beatles, led zeppelin and the king "ElvisPresley" gave me a good base for my grungy punk high school days and my indie experimental college years.
One of my biggest dreams was to form a band and I had the chance to do it. I was once the lead singer of my garage happy punk band which later was nothing more than a memory thanks to my "saved" cool Christian emo phase.

My love for animals has taken me on emotional rollercoasters all of my life. I know reality and once you have stared into the dark side of the cruelty that humans put upon animals, you can never go back. That’s why I will never work or volunteer for any nonprofits again.

My family is completely dysfunctional. All families are like that you will say.
But mine belongs in a reality show or a very dark sitcom.
Still I manage to get along with them, not try to fit in, but just to go with the flow.

My friends...
A bunch of rock stars, models, bloggers, fashion designers, artists, freaks, geeks and the whole "Chex mix" of interesting people that make my life worth living

My love life... hmmm let’s just leave it in "peculiar and ironic", the eternal struggle. 
Currently in love and filled with hope.

My mental state.
This is where the fun begins.
Anxiety attacks and Depression.
I don’t even remember when it started, it just happened. I lost complete control of my life and fell in this downward spiral. The anxiety got the best of me. Up to thepoint where I had to give up my job and my college studies. My already confusing and complicated relationship went down the drain and I completely snapped.
I saw a couple of therapists per week, lost two part time jobs and my previous fashion blog to a "cold war" like custody battle with my ex. To make matters worse, my parents separated. Yeah I know I’m an adult I shouldn’t care but in LatinAmerican countries even if your parents are crazier than you, we stand by them until marriage, a scholarship or a job makes us move out of the house.
I stopped eating as a punishment for being such a horrible person. It was not about the being skinny part, but about the control of something in my life. Together with the partying, the drinking and all the other things that come with destructive behavior, I made myself terribly sick, to the point where I had to be hospitalized for my ulcer.
The most painful part of the whole "war of the roses" kind of thing, was that they blamed me for everything that had happened and guilt, my friend, is one hell of burden to carry. 
No job, no family, no boyfriend, no money, no blog. My life as I knew it was over in the blink of an eye and there was nothing I could do about it.
So I did what every girl in my position would do.

I started shopping like crazy, 
Not caring if the size was right or if already owned the same item in another color. I was hoarding fashion trends and it is not as glamorous as it sounds. My room was unlivable and my life was beginning to be a pain in the ass too. Plenty of thoughts about suicide and  how maybe that could be the answer to all that secret suffering, or at least I thought nobody knew I was going through so many things at the same time. 

This is the End I thought, either I commit myself to an institution, rehab facility and probably be medicated for life or I'm going to die.
So instead of cutting myself like I used to in high school I decided to embrace the best things in me.
My passion for music, my chick flick heroine attitude and of course my love for fashion.

One day I got up, put on my best outfit, the most flawless makeup and a killer pair of heels and decided to face the world.
I decided to curate my life
To take out everything that was holding me back to the past, including my closet.
My closet was the metaphor for my life. It was a big pile of new clothes with tags still on, old wrinkled and unwashed pieces, timeless basics and horrifying one time use trends.
So as the first step to curate my life, I curated my closet and like a Robert Frost poem

"...and that has made all the difference...”

It has been a long process and sometimes I just want to throw everything away.
But I know there are timeless pieces in that closet, in my life that are worth all the hassle, all the work.
So each day I struggle with myself, my guilt, my memories, my traumas, my surroundings.
Although, there was something I could always count on,something so personal, so Karol, that no one and nothing can take away from me....

 My Style.

So this is why I decided to write this blog, it’s personal and it’s very important to me.
 I want to show you, it doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with mental issues or family and love issues. You can move on and regain control of your life if you accept who you really are.
No matter what that is or if others see it as valuable
Because sometimes looking good, can make you feel good.

I see fashion and style as way to empower and believe in yourself.
So join me in this journey I call "my everyday life".

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